Behind the Badge: Pakistan’s Dedicated Police Force

Punjab Police, the primary law enforcement agency in Pakistan’s largest province plays a critical role in preserving peace and order. The Punjab Police has a rich history dating back to the British colonial era.

     For the first time in Punjab history, the provincial police service has issued a complete media guideline on the covering of heinous crime occurrences. The primary goal of this strategy is to give policy guidelines to the police department’s media wing in order to build a province-wide framework for media engagement that assures control over how and when police contact with the media, as well as the information supplied.

     This initiative took place in 2019, according to Punjab Additional-IG (Operations) Inam Ghani, he said:

     “This is very important because any unauthorized release of information by police can have drastic consequences including violation of the right to privacy or a fair trial, jeopardizing police investigations or security operations.”

Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA):

     . The Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) serves as a beacon of growth within the Punjab Police. This effort, launched in Lahore, illustrates how contemporary technology can alter urban security and police.

     The PSCA’s command and control centre monitors hundreds of CCTV cameras across the city, allowing for real-time responses to criminal activity and traffic offences. The incorporation of modern surveillance technologies has considerably improved urban security, lowered crime rates, and increased public safety.

     The PSCA’s impact goes transcend lowering crime rates. It has established a culture of transparency and accountability among the police force. Body-worn cameras, automated vehicle number plate recognition, and integrated emergency response systems have helped to streamline police operations and increase efficiency. The public’s trust in the police has grown significantly, with citizens feeling safer and more connected to their local law enforcement.

Kidnapped newborn rescued

     District Police Officer (DPO) Faisal Shehzad handed back the infant to the family on hospital grounds. He stated that the police had detained three women and four males in connection with the crime. Police detained the main suspect, Nabeela, her brother Ihsan, and her mother Bushra Bibi.

Helmet Campaign

     Liaqat Ali Malik, Chief Traffic Officer, characterized the ongoing helmet campaign for motorbike riders as a perfect success. The officer also stated that it is too difficult to enforce the law equally in the city, where many individuals frequently disregard even traffic safety laws.

     The traffic police launched this initiative in 2019, the Lahore High Court ordered the wearing campaign in September of last year. The department also began an awareness campaign before launching a huge crackdown to arrest and punish offenders.

     All in all, despite significant obstacles, Punjab Police continues to serve a critical role in preserving peace and order in Pakistan’s most populous province. The force is constantly reforming and modernizing in order to improve its skills and public trust. The Punjab Safe Cities Authority’s achievement demonstrates the force’s ability to bring about good change. As Punjab changes, so must its guards, guaranteeing a safer and more secure environment for all its citizens.

The Unsung Heroes of Pakistan Police Force

     Almost every major daily newspaper in Pakistan devotes a full page to crime-related stories each day. In this way, electronic media is quite similar to print media. Crime is a popular film genre worldwide.

     This supply side of news provides concrete proof that there is a demand for crime-related news. This is mostly due to two factors: First, crime is a social phenomenon that affects everyone in society. Second, it has elements of wonder and thrill linked with unusual events, as well as drama related with both the positive and negative sides of each narrative.

In contrast to many other countries, Pakistani media portrays police officers as villains rather than heroes. Many of the stories characterize them as being on the side of the criminals rather than the innocent. However, the reality is different, Police officers in Pakistan are committed to their jobs and labor in difficult situations to preserve peace and order. Despite facing great hazards and minimal resources, they continue to assist their communities.

     Recently, the Punjab Police’s crackdown on dangerous fugitives and declared offenders wanted for major offences continues unabated, with two dangerous criminals involved in murder, attempted murder, extortion, and land grabbing arrested in Iran and Muscat and returned to Pakistan.

     According to the information, high-profile criminal fugitive Abdul Jabbar, alias Jabaro, was apprehended in Iran. He was sought for more than a dozen counts of murder, attempted murder, and extortion. Last month, the aforementioned fugitive/proclaimed criminal killed four persons from the same residence in the Tatlay Wali Gujranwala region. Syed Mohsin Naqvi, Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab, and Dr. Usman Anwar, IG of Punjab, took note of the occurrence and assigned the job of arresting the person responsible as soon as possible.

     Since 2013, there have been substantial changes in Pakistan’s police force. Police began to focus on expertise. Separation of operations and investigations has been in place since 2002; nonetheless, there have been significant shortcomings in execution because of the mix of rural and urban enforcement.

     The most major development has been the formation of Counter-Terrorism Departments in police forces across Pakistan. These divisions within police have won respect and commendation from foreign observers, and are the continual focus of donor agencies and the highest civil and military leadership owing to their national and worldwide relevance.

     Furthermore, the Chief Minister of Punjab has directed that women’s concerns be addressed urgently, with incidents of abduction, harassment, and violence against women being prioritized. Dr. Anush Masood Chaudhry, SSP Investigation Lahore, speaks with us directly.  

Also, On the orders of Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the Punjab Police Department is continuing its campaign on energy thieves. So far this year, 41024 cases have been filed against energy thieves throughout the province, including Lahore. 19709 suspects have been apprehended around the province, including Lahore. 23673 incidents of power theft were prosecuted, and 2540 defendants who harmed the public treasury were sentenced and fined. Priority actions are in continuance against the accused.

Recently, Punjab Police retrieved the missing woman from Multan via Karachi with the assistance of the FIA and advanced technology, and the legal criteria were met by arresting the suspect. Dr. Usman Anwar, IG of Punjab, congratulated and applauded him on his outstanding success.

     Ultimately, despite the media’s representation of police officers has a bias towards negative aspects, it is critical for people to recognize the great strides and relentless efforts made by the police force to protect and serve the public. Their triumphs and reforms need to be recognized, as do the problems they confront today.

China’s ambitious insfrastructure project: the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

     On October 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping and general secretary of the Chinese Communist party (CCP) divulged the BRI initiative during visits to Indonesia and Kazakhstan. Its primary objective was, trust of fellow nations and mutual understanding.

     Around 40 years ago, the poverty rate in China was at its peak, 90% of the population suffered from starvation and poverty, that made the country miserable. However, in the next 30 years, China made a huge transformation. In 1978, China’s contribution to the global GDP was only 2%, today, China contributes more than 18% to the global GDP and poverty rate is less than 1%. China has made enormous strides in various fields, allowing them to launch the most expensive infrastructure project in history, the Belt and Road Initiative.

     To complicate matters, the BRI Initiative is not just a physical project like constructing a road, train or building, it is a far broader concept that includes a large number of networks of infrastructure projects. For instance, Technology and Communication, Investments and Trades, Land based transportation like upgrading existing roads and building new roads, energy and power, shipping routes and logistic facilities.

Figure 1- Belt and Road Initiative

     First off, China has proposed applying the BRI Initiative to enhance global connectivity, partly due to its comparative advantage in the construction of infrastructure such as communications, highways, hydroelectric power plants, and trains. The foundations of the Belt and Road Initiative stem from China’s thousand-year history of Confucianism, Confucius said: “One who wishes himself to be successful must also help others to be successful; one who wishes to develop himself must also help others to develop”. The BRI’s rationalities are tied to China’s own dramatic structural transformation in the last 37 years from an agrarian economy to an industrial powerhouse.

Historical Context: The Ancient Silk Road

     Xi Jinping presented the BRI as a reincarnation of the ancient Silk Road. The term “Silk Road” refers to the network of routes that connected ancient China with the Roman Empire, it was invented by Ferdinand von Richthofen, a German geographer.

     Similar to BRI, the Silk Road promoted trade, ideas, and cultural exchanges between the east, primarily China and the west which included Central Asia, Middle East, and Europe. However, the geographical boundaries can be confusing, considering these regions are geographically diverse and spread across different directions relative to one another.

     Furthermore, in 130 BCE, the dissemination of information, faiths, and technology as well as the advancement of civilizations were greatly aided by the silk road. The Silk Road operated in a pre-technological era, however, it supported technology by sharing secrets, for instance, making gun powder, printing, or even compasses. Moreover, the inventions that were inspired by the materials, tools, and other inventions that travelled over the Silk Road enabled people in separate regions to make use of them and discover new ideas and inventions. Thus, despite the fact that the Silk Road predates smartphones and artificial intelligence, it was essential in laying the ground work for the revolutionizing technology of today.

Dissemination of Technology

     The sharing of technology is often involved in infrastructure projects, BRI involves significant transfer of knowledge and technology between China and other neighboring countries. This can contribute to technological advancements.

     Initiatives for state infrastructure development typically address the problem of technological learning and knowledge transfer. However, when sea, land and air transportation infrastructure develop, there is possibility that technological learning can be considerably aided. When the infrastructure has reached a higher level of development, there is a strong foundation for technology transfer.

Economic Growth

    BRI is one of the main strategic pillars of the “go global” policy introduced by Xi in 2013. it is a long-term initiative that requires cooperation from all participating nations in order to achieve more equitable and balanced development. However, the infrastructure and financial resources required for industrial and economic growth are lacking in emerging nations. China has a wealth of financial resources, including foreign exchange reserves of about US $3.5 trillion, and extensive expertise in the development of infrastructure.

     Thus, the Belt and Road initiative envisions significant infrastructure growth that will lay the groundwork for the regions industrial and economic prosperity. 70% of the world’s population, 75% of its known energy sources and territory, 25% of global trade, and 55% of global GDP are all involved in BRI-related initiatives.

     Chinese infrastructure expenditures, such as building the new administrative capital and enlarging the Suez Canal Economic Zone, habe helped Egypt. The goals of these initiatives are to increase trade and economic growth.

Job Opportunities

     BRI project implementation calls for a sizable labor force. Construction, and maintenance tasks frequently require the use of local labor, which directly generates employment opportunities in the host countries. Moreover, building new infrastructure has the potential to boost business activity in adjacent industries and indirectly create job opportunities. For instance, better infrastructure for transportation can encourage trade, which will raise employment in the logistic and trade related business. In addition, China has released a movie drama featuring its Belt and Road initiative, titled Common Destiny.

     Furthermore, according to Aljazeera, Italy’s decision to initially embrace the BRI and subsequently withdraw reflects a paradox in its foreign policy. An Italian government source said:

“We have every intention of maintaining excellent relations with China even if we are no longer part of the BRI project”.


     All in all, there are a lot of different initiatives and the Belt and Road has become more of a label to capture a lot of what is going on in China. However, the BRI’s specifics are hard to come by, there is no confirmed list of everything and everyone involved, but its estimated to include 2600 projects in more than 100 countries, which makes it difficult to come up with an accurate price tag. The Belt and Road initiative is about China’s position in the world, it’s their strategy to outshine everyone on the international stage and label it as a reincarnation of the ancient Silk Road. Then again, several nations do not like the idea of the Chinese calling the shots.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles

Source: Hertz

Ever since the world saw the invention of the first practical EV (Electric Vehicle) in the 1890’s by American inventor William Morrison, it has continued to bear witness to the revolutionary changes that have been brought to the industries of technology and automation. The world, as we know it, is witnessing the rise and boom of the usage and adoption of elective vehicles throughout various countries and regions.

Global EV sales more than doubled from 2020 to 2021, marking a 108% increase. In 2022, the industry hit the milestone of 10 million EVs sold.

According to an article titled “What is the electric vehicle (EV) boom?” by China Llanos, 2023

The trend of electric vehicles has become quite popular in todays day and age, especially in Western nations including America, Canada, the UK, France etc,. When it comes specifically to the United States, companies including the likes of Ford, Honda, Toyota, Kia and many more have added fully electric variants to their line of cars in order to diversify themselves with this upcoming and emerging market. Not to mention Tesla itself, which is by far the biggest market space holder when it comes to the production and selling of electric vehicles. With a market cap of over $800 billion and almost 2 million units sold since its conception, Tesla is the most significant and revolutionary company out there in terms of electric cars.

Source: Twitter

As this market emerges and continues to grow, more companies have lined up to share a piece of the global market share and dive into the trend of electric vehicles. Tesla’s biggest competitor is a Chinese car company called “BYD” which is operating at a similar scale to Tesla but whilst still selling other variants that operate on fuel.

Source: CarNewsChina

Investors and governments have joined hands in mutually exploring and expanding the space for electric vehicle production as well. The United States government, under President Joe Biden, has aimed to provide $2 billion in federal grants to facilitate US electric vehicle transition. The White House has further announced to roll out $5 billion in funding to states for installation of electric vehicle chargers.

YouTube Vlog

With developments like these, the electric vehicle market is expected to continue to expand at a rapid scale. With the environmental benefits of electric vehicles including the reduction of harmful emissions and improvement of air quality in cities, electric vehicles have become a popular eco friendly alternative to cars that run on gasoline. These benefits are and will commute to benefit the expansion and adoption of the electric vehicle industry as it continues to spread its wings.

Electric vehicles come with a significantly lower total carbon output per vehicle lifetime than a typical Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) powered vehicle

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA)

However, the Electric vehicle industry still has a lot of work to do. Just as any revolutionary technology does, the EV industry faces challenges that could halt or slow down its growth. One of the main challenges is the extremely limited range that current EV cars can go up to. Another possible challenge is the speedy implementation of EV chargers in order to facilitate the consumers who have purchased EV’s already without them having to either sit around and wait or only be able to take their car out for a short amount of distance in order to avoid the battery dying. These factors, if overlooked, could later on become crisis for the industry as well as for the buyers of electric vehicles.

YouTube Vlog

All in all, the rapid expansion of the electric vehicle industry as well as their popularity amongst consumers due to their various environmental benefits have paved a way for an emerging market with a suitable and environmentally friendly alternative. With proper allocation of resources to address any present and future challenges that purchasers of EV’s could face, as well as the continuation of investment and funding from both private and government sectors, the future for Electric Vehicles seems bright and electric!

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